Brand GALI Photography RYAN MURPHY Words/Creative Director RHYS RIPPER Talent KYRON HAYDEN


As long-time admirers of Designer David Leslie's work, we decided it was time to take a closer look at his world. In this conversation, we explore the now and then of Gali, diving into the inspiration behind the designs, the philosophy guiding his process, and what makes this project so uniquely captivating. Join us as we chat with David Leslie about his journey, his vision, and all things Gali.

What drew you to the swimwear sector of fashion?

I love the water! Being by the ocean is my happy place, and I have so many fond memories by the water. As a volunteer surf lifesaver, I spend a lot of time at the beach, and my connection to the sea naturally led me to swimwear. At the time, brands like Liandra, Native Swimwear Australia, and Ngali were huge inspirations. They gave me the motivation and confidence to start GALI. 

What was the inspiration of the brand?

My inspiration for GALI was to build a brand that celebrates our culture and shares stories from First Nations artists and communities with new audiences around the world. The aim is to create an international brand that showcases deadly, iconic designs and generates royalties for artists and raises money for community projects.

Your first collection was showcased at Australian Fashion Week last year which caused mass crowd reactions such as screaming from the fashion elite, was this a moment when you knew you were on the right track?

Australian Fashion Week was a moment. GALI had only just launched, and it was our first time on the runway. It was amazing to be part of the experience alongside six deadly First Nations designers. Working with Mob in Fashion was a fantastic opportunity, as a new designer I learnt so much and gained a lot of confidence. When GALI’s models stepped onto the runway, hearing the crowd's reaction from backstage was incredible. At that moment it felt like GALI had stepped onto the world stage.

Last year also saw you head overseas with Gali, tell us about that?

After Australian Fashion Week, GALI showcased at Miami Swim and Resort Week. The day we arrived, we explored Ocean Drive in Miami Beach and stumbled upon a local magazine with a four-page spread featuring GALI - I was so excited I texted my parents back home. 

Runway day was busy, with over 20 designers participating in the show. The experience at AFW and working with Mob in Fashion prepared us for Miami - it gave us the knowledge and confidence to make decisions and think on our feet.

And in Miami, we have our first ever TV interview. We went into the wsfl-tv studios and were interviewed by Jason Carter on Inside South Florida.

We loved seeing your collaboration with Teamm8, how did the come about and will you move into underwear eventually?

The TEAMM8 collaboration has been absolutely deadly! About a year ago I met TEAMM8’s CEO, Michal, over coffee. TEAMM8 knew about GALI, believed in our vision and wanted to support and help us grow. Our partnership has been a fantastic learning experience. TEAMM8 have shared their expertise in product development, retail and wholesale channels, and marketing. For this collection, TEAMM8 adopted our practice of donating $1 from every pair of underwear sold to a First Nations charity. Customers are loving the collaboration and the underwear, and the positive feedback has been incredible. 

What is the future of Gali?

This year we’re focusing on prints, products and partnerships. We’re working on launching the collection we showcased at Australian Fashion Week, and we’re working on new artist collaborations - which we’re excited about.